Your Dance Floor will be Hopping with DJ Black Rabbit

Choosing the right DJ for your big day is more important than you might think. Find someone who doesn't just *get* your vision; make sure they LOVE your vibe

Photo courtesy of DJ Black Rabbit

Photo courtesy of DJ Black Rabbit

Meet Ray Brown, DJ Black Rabbit


DJ Black Rabbit

How long have you been in business?

15 years!

What areas do you serve?


Why did you decide to start your own business?

I love music and i love presenting/introducing it to people

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

The freedom to do things as you see fit


Do you have a favorite story to share?

My Japanese DJing adventures were pretty epic

What challenges have you had to overcome?

Public Speaking in general. I used to freeze and get very uncomfortable doing announcements or just talking on the mic at all.

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

Don’t do it for the money, their are much easier ways to make money lol!


What, if anything, would you change about your wedding?

I would pick a cooler day lol

How did you choose your wedding vendors?

They were either friends, co-workers, or both. But i respected their work, if i didnt like their style I would have went else where

What advice could you offer to engaged couples planning their wedding - as both a wedding professional and a married human?

This is an important day but IMHO not worth going into debt for years and years for. Do it within your means.

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

Paying for everything in cash.


Instagram: @dj_blackrabbit

Facebook: DJ Black Rabbit

LinkedIn: Raymond Brown III

Catch him in action here:

Is there anything else you'd like us to know?

I have a good amount of years under my belt as an entertainer and I would love to share some of my wins and pitfalls to help couples looking for a DJ or even DJs just getting started in the Biz.