Read my Lips - Accessibility expert Erin Perkins

Erin Perkins is the CEO of Mabely Q, a DMV based design and operations firm. She is also deaf and an accessibility expert. Erin drops by the pod with her adorable dog Cota, to talk about leaving corporate to build her own biz, tips for making podcasts accessible to the deaf community and her own destination wedding!

Sara Alepin w/ Clouseau, Erin Perkins w/Cota and Steph Norton.

Sara Alepin w/ Clouseau, Erin Perkins w/Cota and Steph Norton.



Mabely Q

How long have you been in business?

2 years!!

What areas do you serve?

Small businesses owned by women, with a focus in the wedding industry (this was per chance, not intentional!) and online businesses that create online content.

Why did you decide to start your own business?

Well, it was either start back at square one with another same old, same old corporation after being at one for 12 years. Or do my own thing, and find balance in owning my own business. It wasn't something I set out to do, but it made the most sense to me logically!

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

The people, particularly the women I meet that own their own businesses that truly want to provide top notch services without sacrificing their own values.


What is a topic that you feel you could offer a unique perspective in — either to engaged couples or wedding professionals?

For everyone, it's typically to think beyond your needs for your wedding. Making sure your wedding is inclusive for everyone that attends.

What insight would you like to offer about this topic?

I'm deaf (duh). and I've been to a few weddings (not too many though!) and I always feel like I'm missing out!

For instance, the vows. The toasts!

I also totally get it's not cost effective to bring on an interpreter. But what you can do is at least have a transcript ready (because more than likely, you've already written out your vows).

If the toasts are already pre written, feel free to include those as well. If you're having a DJ, maybe ask them if they can have a screen projecting the lyrics! Put them at a table with people they know and can feel comfortable with during the wedding.

A friend of mine who's deaf got married to a hearing guy. But since there were about 30 deaf guests and different styles. They were very aware of what they needed to do. She had an interpreter at the altar for herself. There was an interpreter for the audience, everyone that was deaf sat together. Also, she had a CART (where they type what is being said), as not everyone knew sign language, and they could read what was being said via their phones. They sat everyone together at the reception. And best part was the DJ had a projected screen which played every single lyric, so we could all "sign along!"

It was a whole lotta fun because it didn't feel like coddling at all, and we were all super comfortable mingling and dancing with other guests as well!

Visit Erin’s AWESOME website for tips to make your podcast/instagram stories/event accessible or connect with her on Instagram (cute dog photos included <3)


What, if anything, would you change about your wedding?

Omgosh, we got married in Aruba. It was October, so it should've been a little bit cooler. But that wasn't the case.

It was so hot, even though I thought my dress would be ok, I was dying in it. And on top of that I had so MANY bug bites on my legs, totally miserable!

So, I'd definitely go with a lighter dress, and BUG SPRAY!!!

Plus, I would definitely make sure we had a private dinner, it was so hard planning with the resort.

But reality, I think we would've eloped if we were to do it all over again.

What advice could you offer to engaged couples planning their wedding - as both a wedding professional and a married human?

If you want to elope, then do it. Wedding planning is super stressful, even if it's a destination wedding. And, know that you're never gonna make everyone happy.

Remember this is just one day in your life, yes, it's gonna be something a lot of people may remember, or may not remember.

And, when you hire a wedding professional, treat them with grace, they really are doing the best they can.

And, seriously why do we all decide to buy a house and get married all in the same year!? (hahahahahahaha)

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

The location where we stayed at. We had switched to another hotel (which was supposedly fancier!) for the honeymoon aspect, and the entire time we wished we could've gone back to the other resort. It just fit our personalities better!