Fostr the People

Elizabeth Carberry stopped by the pod today and boy were we lucky to have her! This DC powerhouse has a husband, 2 kids, a rowhouse in Logan Circle, her events and content company Elizabeth Carberry Creative, Fostr Collaborative, her women only coworking space in Georgetown AND a dreamy IG. Listen in to find out how she got started in the wedding industry, what fuels her creativity and her own wedding story!

L to R, Elizabeth Carberry, CEO of Elizabeth Carberry Creative and Sara Alepin, co-host of the Wedding Dish.

L to R, Elizabeth Carberry, CEO of Elizabeth Carberry Creative and Sara Alepin, co-host of the Wedding Dish.


How long have you been in business?

5 years

What areas do you serve?

Weddings, events and content creation

Why did you decide to start your own business?

That’s a loaded question. I started my first business in arts management because I wanted to do what I had set out to do by studying art history in college and I wanted to be in the creative art field. I made the transition to what I am currently doing because it felt right and I became passionate about it.

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

The coolest thing is exercising my own creativity while helping my clients.

What challenges have you had to overcome?

So many! Some small and some on a larger scale. I think the biggest is just finding your place in the market. It’s a saturated market but once you find your place it can be so amazing

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

It’s not for the faint of heart. It’s a lot of nights and weekends and hand holding....

Any funny stories to share?!

One time I lost the groom!!! With one of my favorite couples of all time I could not find the groom 30 minutes before their first look. I had been texting with him all day and then at the 30 minute warning I texted and he was MIA. About 5 minutes out from when we were supposed to leave her texted me back and they lived happily ever after... The bride had no idea of course .

What, if anything, would you change about your wedding?

My wedding? Just my hair! I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and as a professional now I definitely would have a much different wedding than I did 5 years ago. But the only thing that I would change about what it was would be my hair.

How did you choose your wedding vendors?

A lot of interviews and research. I planned my own wedding from 300+ miles away so it was hard.

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

Location. My reception venue was everything I ever wanted.