S1 E 13 | From a love of a pop psychology novel to 43 years of marriage - Meet Sara's parents!

Today was such a special podcast where we sat down with Sara’s parents. Not to spoil the podcast but these two cuties met on a plane, where Kris Jenner 1.0 played in a part in their meeting! For anyone who wants to hear a couple still smitten after 43 years-tune in! <3

Sara's parents.jpg


Wedding Date: April 12, 1976

Wedding Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Approx. number of guests who attended your wedding: 2

How did you two meet?

Warren: I was visiting National Lighthouse for the Blind affiliates to introduce a national program. I was on a flight from Seattle to San Francisco on my way to the Lighthouse in Berkeley, California. Christine was working as a flight attendant for United Airlines on that flight. I was reading the book, "I'm OK You're OK" and Christine stopped to ask how I liked the book. We had a short conversation then and another later during the flight; I was enthralled; and I stopped in the row behind where she was standing to say goodbye to passengers and ask if I might call her.  She gave my her phone number; I phoned later that day; and we went to dinner that evening.

Christine: I was working as a flight attendant for United Air Lines; I was working from Seattle to San Francisco, where I was living at the time. Warren was a passenger. I noticed him reading “I’m OK You’re OK” and commented, asking if he liked the book. We talked for a while and he asked for my number     

What was the first thing you noticed about your partner?

Warren: I could say her physical attributes but, in addition to her attractiveness, it was really her sincerity, intellectual curiosity  and professional comportment.

Christine: He was tall, dark, and handsome.

Tell us about the proposal!

Warren: I don't remember a specific, "Will you marry me?" We were on our way to ski in the Poconos on our third date when I said, "I would marry you just to get to know you!"  After that, things seemed to run its course.

Christine: That about sums it up!

What were your top 5 favorite moments from your wedding?


  • Christine

  • Montreal

  • Having Harvey and Dot Firestone with us

  • The Intimacy of having just 4 people present

  • Dinner with Harvey and Dot afterward


  • Intimate

  • Very good friends

What, if anything, would you change about the wedding planning process?

Warren: Christine still kids me about my suit, and she made her skirt.

Christine: I wouldn't change anything.

What, if anything, would you change about your wedding day?

Warren: I wish I had not gone to work that morning!

Did you participate in any family traditions, or incorporate any heirlooms into your wedding?

Warren: We had celebratory events with our individual families in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Christine: No.

What was the planning process like? Did you run into any obstacles? How did you overcome them?

Warren: Casual.  Just managing the requisite details required by a government based on the Napoleonic Code.

Christine: No true obstacles. We worked through everything together.

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

Warren: Because we are both from large families, our parents were still employed and considering their travel issues, we decided to be married without family present but to then travel to our families for receptions.

Christine: Getting married

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? And, if there *is* a least fave thing, feel free to share that. ;)

Warren: Commitment to and strength of partnership through lots of transitions.  We're both take charge people but while I'm explicit, she relies on my ability to read signs and take obscure hints - which I'm not always good at doing.

Christine: *radio silence*

What’s the best thing that’s happened in your lives since getting married?

Warren: The births of our son, Daniel, and our daughter, Sara, were easily the most meaningful and emotional two days of my life.

Christine: Lots of good times! Our son, Dan, and daughter, Sara. Great travel - and a lot of it —  for our whole family.

What is the most surprising difference about being married vs living together?

Warren: While we were 30 and 27 when we married, technically, while we spent long periods of time residing together over a two year period, we never really "lived" together. We experienced some minor challenges during our dating life that certainly helped our adjustment to marriage.

Christine: Being extra committed to each other. 

Have something else to share? A funny story? Something crazy that happened? Let's Dish!

Warren: There are some differences in our memories but you'd have to ask who picked up whom and about the formality of Christine's name change.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know?

Warren: I enjoy that we do virtually everything - except haircuts - together; that we hold hands in bed at night; and that we sometimes dance in the dark.

Christine: I’m looking forward to more adventures!