S1 Ep 8 | Get Entertained with Lucy Black Entertainment

Lucy Black Entertainment, a female-founded luxury entertainment and talent agency based in DC, are on the podcast today. We sat down in the lobby at the Line before the podcast, to share some wine, tea and burrata and the conversation just naturally continued once we moved in studio to record. They share the triumphs and challenges of being a women-owned business in a male-dominated industry — plus, details about their own weddings — with lots of laughs and fun times!

L to B | Lauren and Becca, founders of Lucy Black Entertainment, luxury talent agency in Washington, D.C.

L to B | Lauren and Becca, founders of Lucy Black Entertainment, luxury talent agency in Washington, D.C.

Show Notes


How long have you been in business?

1 year

What areas do you serve?

The DMV and worldwide

Why did you decide to start your own business?

We had been working together in the entertainment world for a while, and decided it was time to do it on our own, in our own way. As women, we felt like we could offer something new to the entertainment community.

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

Being your own boss, and having the flexibility to set your own schedule. Having a partnership to help bounce ideas off of, be a support system, etc. 

Our story, and how we named our business. 

Do you have a favorite story to share?

The story of our business-  best friends in college, Becca making Lauren move to DC, working together in the industry, starting and running a business together!

What challenges have you had to overcome?

Growing pains, preconceived notions of what we could do and are capable of, women in male-dominated industry

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

DO YOUR RESEARCH, work in the industry before you decide to start a company, make relationships on both sides of the events world (performers AND vendors).

What's the craziest thing you've seen happen at a wedding?

A reputable planner was upset onsite because the bride wanted to use the timeline we had all agreed upon in advance (my timeline), and showed up to the event with a different timeline that was the planner's, she as so mad that she refused to run the wedding and made Rebecca run the entire event- including dinner service and coordinating with the caterer/banquet team while she sat and ate and drank as if she were a guest.

So this wasn't at a wedding BUT a disgruntled ex-employee, WENT NUMBER 2 ON THE DANCE FLOOR IN THE MIDDLE OF A CORPORATE PARTY!!

Any funny stories to share?!

Bride had "Back that Ass Up" as her recessional on solo piano, so you only knew the song if you KNEW the song!


What, if anything, would you change about your wedding?

Lauren & Becca - Hire a wedding planner! 

Becca - didn't want a hotel, wanted interesting unique space/DC historic space- NOT understanding that you have to bring everything in and the challenges that brings

How did you choose your wedding vendors?

Lauren - I only got married 2 years ago, so I was fully immersed in the industry at that point. I booked my vendors off ppl I already knew, and/or recommendations from the industry.

Becca - I had been doing mainly string in the industry, and was not yet in the events world. I reached out to the venues I had worked with, and just googled and found stuff online and went and met people. I didn't know how to find anything! Put together my own band, and took a lot of recommendations from my caterer, Elizabeth on L in DC.

What advice could you offer to engaged couples planning their wedding - as both a wedding professional and a married human?

It's worth it to pay to make things easier on the day of (have everything delivered, have hair/makeup come to you, have someone else cleanup, etc)! 

Figure out how to balance wedding planning drama with your family. Your planner can help with this!

Really focus on what's important to you- remember that at the end of the day you are getting married to your best friend!

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

Who I married, duh!

Planning was a group effort between couple!

Get in touch with Lucy Black Entertainment | hello@lucyblackent.com @lucyblackent

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