S4E6: These Ladies are Ready for the Dance Party | Married Humans + Entrepreneurs

The ladies of Lucy Black Entertainment will have you pumped up for the dance party!

As female entrepreneurs in a male-dominated part of the wedding industry, they stay on the cutting edge, dedicate their time to making sure every event is perfect, and only work with the most talented, wonderful musicians all over the world.

As the country opens back up for weddings and larger events, we dish about new trends and what the future of receptions looks like.

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Lucy Black Entertainment

How long have you been in business? 

2.5 years 

What areas do you serve? 

The DMV and love traveling ANYWHERE! 

Why did you decide to start your own business? 

We had been working in the entertainment event world for quite a while and felt we could do more on our own, with our own perspectives and not conform to what has traditionally been done in the entertainment space. 

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business? 

Throwing out the rule book of what you are "supposed" to do and getting creative with what we CAN do! We are all about making your own opportunities and not waiting for something to come along.

What insight would you like to offer about new trends you’re seeing? 

Since we have all been locked up, people want to PARTY! We are seeing people spending more on entertainment at small events, postponing to later so they can have a big event. Trends are reflecting people valuing being with each other, tapping into nostalgia... and Bridgerton, hello! 

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours? 

If you are looking to start an entertainment company, remember to value your artists. We absolutely want to give our clients what they want, but not at the expense of our team. 

What is daily life like in your household? 

We pretty much stay home! With us all working from home, Lauren and I aren't in person with each other as much, but we do text a lot! 

Are there any challenges or obstacles that you've had to overcome? 

MOTIVATION!!! How do you keep working (especially in the beginning) when nothing is coming in and we have no idea what is coming. We took the summer to focus on us and our business, and during this time started seeing a huge increase in the depth of our partner relationships, as well as being able to plan for the future, with bookings eventually starting to come in again! 

What advice would you offer to other couples in a similar situation?

Maybe business couples? If you are in a slow spell, remember to take that time to prepare for the future. The pandemic created a whole new level of unknown, but the principle can be applied to any business that has slow and busy seasons. 

What advice would you offer to engaged couples planning their wedding - as both a wedding professional and a married human? 



As always, transcript and show notes are available at The Wedding Dish.

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