S8E9: Weddings vs Elopements: What to Consider When Planning Your Celebration

What’s the difference between a wedding and an elopement?

And, what the heck is adventure elopement?

We’re dishing about the differences between having a traditional wedding and eloping.

Brianna believes that everyone should have the celebration that’s the right fit for them. She’s sharing the big differences between an elopement and a large-scale wedding in this week’s episode of The Wedding Dish.

Guest: Brianna, Brianna Parks Photography

This week, we’re dishing about…

  • the top differences between eloping and planning a traditional wedding

  • how couples can choose the best fit for them

  • what adventure photography is

  • some overlooked benefits of eloping

  • what Brianna may have done differently if she were to plan her own wedding again

... and more!

Meet Brianna Parks Photography

Brianna Parks is an adventure elopement photographer based in Northern California who helps couples plan outdoor elopements in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. It's her mission to inspire, encourage, and empower couples to push traditional boundaries and create experiences they'll remember forever.

Business Info…

What areas do you serve?

Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii

How long have you been in business?

5 years

Why did you decide to start your own business?

I discovered photography when I was knee-deep as a pre-med major. I missed having a creative outlet to turn to and came to the realization that maybe medical school wasn't for me. With little to no money in our bank account, my husband and I headed to Target where we purchased a start DSLR camera. I never thought it could turn into what it has become today. What started as a creative hobby to get out of the library turned into a full-time job that I wouldn't trade for the world.

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

Being my own boss. I know it's such a cliche answer, but I genuinely love being able to set my own schedule, travel year-round, and work from home. It allows me the flexibility to pursue other passions and hobbies.

What challenges have you had to overcome?

Oh wow. SO many. A big misconception about business owners is that they're truly living the dream. They have so much free time to do whatever they want, money is constantly rolling in, and every client is a dream.

While I do think some of these points have merit, a lot of people don't realize the work it takes to start a business. The biggest challenge for me was juggling my business, working part-time, being a full-time student in college, and trying to upkeep my relationships with friends and family. The sheer amount of time it took was overwhelming. Having to say no to fun trips and dates because I needed to build a website was hard. At the end of the day though, I look back and think every challenge was worth where I am now.

Do you have a favorite story to share?

When I was first starting out, I offered free shoots for people in my town. I ended up photographing a girl my age who was an aspiring model. This was probably my third time photographing someone. I didn't realize my focus point was off, so when I got home, NONE of the images were in focus. I'm talking 0. I was so embarrassed to tell her, but everything worked out. Thinking about that story always makes me laugh.

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

Don't feel like you need to hustle to be successful. Take your time. Enjoy the journey, the highs and the lows, and love what you do.

What's the most memorable thing you've seen happen at a wedding or celebration?

Oh my goodness, I have so many! I would say the most memorable elopement I ever shot was in Iceland. The couple and I took a private ice cave and off-roading tour near Vík. The landscape was incredible. Absolutely breathtaking.

Daily Life…

What is daily life like in your household?

I am a creature of habit. I wake up every morning at 7am and immediately head to the gym for about an hour. When I come home, I take my dog on a walk around the neighborhood. I then cook breakfast, shower, and get ready for the day. Each work day is different, but I usually work from 10-5 answering emails, writing blogs, editing, etc., with a lunch break from 1-2. After work, I tidy up the house a bit, cook dinner, and then read and/or watch TikTok until bed around 10pm.

Are there any challenges or obstacles that you've had to overcome?

A personal challenge would be overcoming perfectionism. It's still something I deeply struggle with today, but I've tried making improvements to better my life and business. It can very paralyzing sitting in front of a screen needing to write out a blog post, but being unable to start with the fear that it won't be perfect. And for the record, it never will be.

What advice would you offer to other business owners in a similar situation?

Have a self-care routine. I think it's so important, especially for business owners, to take time for themselves. Reflect on why you might be struggling with perfectionism. Are you afraid of failure? What other people think of you? Let yourself feel, but don't sit in those feelings forever.

Your Wedding…

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

Deciding where to have it. My immediate friends and family are from Northern California. All my extended family lived in Idaho and Utah. The same can be said about my husband's situation. Deciding if we wanted our wedding to be in California or Utah was a huge decision. We ultimately decided on Utah.

How did you choose your wedding vendors?

To be completely honest, price. My husband and I were in college at the time and had very little to spend on our wedding. I tried finding vendors who were less known for just starting out. The thing I really invested in was my pictures. I don't have a single regret about spending more for them than I thought I would.

What, if anything, would you change about your wedding?

I would change a lot of things, but the main one (aside from wishing we eloped or had a small outdoor wedding), would be the guest list. I invited so many people I "knew" just because I felt inclined to. I wish I could go back and only invite those closest to me.

What advice could you offer to engaged couples planning their wedding - as both a wedding professional and a married human?

Do what YOU want to do. I cannot emphasize this enough. Don't listen to friends and family giving you opinions about your day. It's yours. Own it. I promise in the future, you're going to look back and wish things would have been different if you do something you don't want to do.

Did you participate in any family, cultural, or religious traditions at your wedding?

Yes! My husband and I actually grew up Mormon, so we got married in the Salt Lake City Temple.

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This episode is brought to you by:

  • Photos from the Harty, internationally acclaimed wedding photography

  • District Bliss, the support you need to skyrocket your business with ease

  • Sprout Creative, marketing for entrepreneurs

  • 17hats. Business just got easier. At The Wedding Dish, we use 17hats for scheduling guests, questionnaires, to develop our show notes, and for our all of guest management. It’s the CRM that makes it easy to run two businesses and two podcasts seamlessly.

  • Chill Paws, human-grade CBD for your furry pals (use CLOU15 for a discount)

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