S4 E2: From “Yes” to “I Do” with Neela Asaadi

Engaged and Entrepreneurial

A few years after founding Asaadi Graphics, Neela Asaadi got engaged, moved down the east coast of the United States, and helped her fiancée embark on his own entrepreneurial journey.

From her unique perspective, she realized that everyone who is planning a wedding needs additional support. So, what did she do? Neela launched The Wedding Collective!


I love learning about other people in the wedding industry and talking about their experiences. I think people who work in this space are all really unique, patient and creative individuals who always seem to bring a new perspective to the conversation.

How long have you been in business? 

3.5 years 

What areas do you serve? 

NYC, Miami, LA, anywhere in between 

Why did you decide to start your own business? 

Was freelancing as a graphic designer back in 2017 and wanted to do something on my own. I fell into the wedding industry as I received inquiries from a few friends who were engaged to help with their wedding invitation suites. 

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business? 

The flexibility! The sky is the limit and you can really break barriers being your own boss.

Tell us a little bit more about what you’re up to.

The Wedding Collective is a monthly virtual support group I launched during the pandemic for engaged couples. This is a safe space to bring all of questions, concerns, and hear from other couples going through the same “Wedding what ifs” 

What insight would you like to offer? 

Supporting your couples and being not only offering your professional services but also offering a sense of friendship allows your couples to love, trust and refer you. 

What challenges have you had to overcome as a business owner? 

Wearing so many hats. Being a business owner is — AMAZING but also a ton of work and learning experiences. I was never someone who studied business or accounting so when I was faced with those obstacles, I had to lean on my community for support. Don’t be afraid to ask for help- it will only serve you, never hurt you. 

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours? 

Just go for it. In a million years, I never would have imagined I would have my own business, and now I run/ operate two! When you think about it too much, wait for your launch to be perfect, are overly critical of yourself, you’ll never get there. Just put yourself out there and see what happens. The element of surprise is a beautiful thing. 

What is daily life like in your household? 

My fiancée and I just moved to Miami! He is recently an entrepreneur so through COVID, we have developed a really great work/life balance and I love showing him how to manage his time. I am a morning bird, love to wake up, meditate, hot/water lemon, coffee, exercise, answer email then start my workday. Meetings in between but always leaving enough “buffer” time in my day if something comes up. I love to cook so we do that a ton now too! 

Are there any challenges or obstacles that you've had to overcome? 

Again, being a business owner, figuring out what tasks I need to delegate and what I need to tackle myself. Expenses, figuring out what is an investment in myself and my business and what does not serve me!

As far as personally, my now fiancée and I were living between my parents’ house and his family’s house for the first 6 months. We got engaged in August 2020 and ever since that gave us a sense of independence. We also moved to Florida in January and making that decision to leave my hometown and NYC was really really challenging, especially during the pandemic, but we made it work by communicating often and compromising. 

What advice would you offer to other couples in a similar situation? 

Be flexible, be willing to listen to your partner and talk talk talk it through. Don’t bottle anything up.


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Follow Asaadi Graphics @asaadigraphics

PS: Neela just launched a baby decor/ stationery and nursery artwork line a few weeks ago. Check it out and follow along!

And, stay up-to-date with our guest co-host, Taylor from Lemon Tree Editorial!

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