S1 E10 | From Freaking Out to Fun with Winning Wit

Sara and Steph sat down to chat with Geoff Woliner. Geoff is a comedian and author of the book, Get Bitter to Get Better. He started his DMV based wedding speechwriting company Winning Wit in 2011. We talked about how he coaches his clients to give the best speeches of their lives…and how that in some cases transforms their lives.

Sara, The Wedding Dish host, with Guest Geoff Woliner, CEO of Wedding Toast writer company, Winning Wit.

Sara, The Wedding Dish host, with Guest Geoff Woliner, CEO of Wedding Toast writer company, Winning Wit.


How long have you been in business?

8 years

What areas do you serve?

Global! Mostly the U.S. and Canada, but have written for folks in South Africa, Australia, the UK, India and Ireland

Why did you decide to start your own business?

In the spring of 2011, I was asked to be a best man at a wedding, and since I'd been a comedian for many years, I was asked that the speech be a roast. After getting a ton of laughs with my speech, we all were forced to ensure a BRUTAL speech afterwards. So at the reception, several people approached me and said, "Geoff, you should have written his speech for him!" Then the light bulb went on. I never much cared for working for other people and always wanted to start my own business, and that day finally showed me the path.

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

Every day when you look in the mirror, you get to tell your boss what you really think about him :) As an ENFP, I always have a million ideas swirling around in my head. It's super fun to be able to act on any of them without having to ask permission. And very few things in life as as awesome as working poolside in the middle of the summer.

Do you have a favorite story to share?

There was a Maid of Honor in California I worked with who had severe, crippling anxiety. To the point where she couldn't even leave the house. But after working with her on her speech for months (her sister was getting married), she finally worked up the courage to get up and made her stand. In a massive venue in front of 400 people, she delivered a speech for the ages. People were laughing. And crying. And in disbelief that it was really her delivering this. That one speech changed her life. She went out and got a degree in social work. She made new friends. She saw herself in a whole different light. And never looked back. All because of one wedding speech.

What challenges have you had to overcome?

Do we have 10 hours to discuss this?? :) 1) First and foremost, as a niche vendor, it's really hard to get the word out. Traditional outlets like The Knot and Bridal magazines get vendors in front of brides...but I don't sell to brides, I sell to Maids of Honor, Best Men, Fathers of the Bride and Officiants. And they don't have any specific channels that those folks read. Eventually, I found that Google Ads were the magic sauce to make this casserole. 2) The idea of paying someone to write your wedding speech for you is pretty new, so convincing people that we actually knew what we were doing, before we had all our reviews and press, was a huge challenge. 3) Something other vendors face a lot...undercutting. There are people out there on Fiverr who will write your wedding speech for 20 bucks. Needless to say, you're not exactly getting a State-of-the-union level masterpiece when you go that route. It devalues our entire niche and gives a bad name to the few pros out there who do this at a high level.

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

1) Know where your customers are. At first, I tried building relationships with every planner and venue I could, but then I realized, again, they work with brides, not bridal parties during the planning process. Too many layers of referrals needed. The connections were great and once in a while, I got a referral. But not enough to build a sustain a business. Make sure you go right to the source. 2) If you have a day job, save, save and SAVE! You'll need every last cent, and then some. And apply for a business line of credit WHILE you're currently employed and collecting a paycheck, because good luck getting approved for some working capital after you've taken the plunge. 3) Network like a crazy person. and always have cards on you. Even going to the gym or Trader Joe's. You never, ever know who you'll meet.

What's the craziest thing you've seen happen at a wedding?

I was forced to sit through a Father of the Bride speech (not one I wrote!) that lasted a half hour. Yes, a half hour. It was more painful than getting a root canal while watching Rocky 5. The entire thing was in monotone and walked us through every single year of the bride's life. Even the bride was falling asleep. The whole room wanted to sue him for false imprisonment.

Any funny stories to share?!

I wrote a Best Man speech for a pilot a couple years ago that was a huge hit. Before his speech, he went into the back, changed his outfit, and showed up in his full pilot gear. Hat, gloves, aviators, the works. Came out to the music from Top Gun. And he cleared his throat and got into his pilot voice, then said... "Evenin', folks, from the guy up front. Welcome aboard your wedding. Your matrimony time will be approximately till death do you part, with drink service provided by the nice folks at the catering hall. Now, we're expecting a pretty smooth ride, but you can anticipate a few bumps if John forgets a birthday or anniversary. We know you had your choice in spouses today, and we sure do appreciate you choosin' each other. And if there's anything we can do to make your marriage more enjoyable, please don't hesitate to ask. Actually, hesitate. Definitely hesitate. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy your wedding, where the local time is 8:35."

“I'm excited to share my stories from a super niche side of the industry. Speeches are a big part of almost every wedding, but more often than not, they're terribly delivered and bring down the vibe of the day. We're looking to change that, one speech, one wedding at a time. Also look forward to sharing tips about how the bride herself can overcome anxiety to deliver amazing vows and steal the show!”

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