S5E10: Guests Behaving Badly is Never Your Fault | Wedding Pro

"I want to reiterate to couples that they should never take this bad behavior personally."

Guests aren't always on their best (or most considerate) behavior before, during, and after your wedding.

And, when that happens, it's not your fault!

Leah Weinberg of Color Pop Events is on a mission to reassure couples that no matter who might be giving you attitude, complaining, or just not acting in the most respectful way — it's not about you; it's about them.

Guests behaving badly at your wedding is not your fault

How long have you been in business? 

8 years 

What areas do you serve? 

NY and NJ 

Why did you decide to start your own business?

I always knew I was destined to be my own boss.....the only thing up in the air was what kind of business I would start. After brainstorming a lot of different ideas, event planning seemed to be a really great fit for my strengths and personality. 8 years later, here I am! 

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business? 

Being in charge of my own destiny and not working to line anyone else's pockets 

What is a topic that you feel you could offer a unique perspective in? 

Guests Behaving Badly: Why it Happens and How to Deal with It. 

What insight would you like to offer about guests behaving badly? 

I'd like to get into the details of entitlement and why I think that drives a lot of bad guest behavior. I want to reiterate to couples that they should never take this bad behavior personally. And of course, I've got plenty of fun, juicy stories to tell. 

What's the craziest thing you've seen happen at a wedding or large event? 

The catering staff walked out on the day of the wedding because the head chef/owner was such an asshole. But the couple never knew! 

Any funny stories to share?

I have tons of guests behaving badly stories that we can get into during our chat. :) 

Stay up-to-date with Leah @colorpopevents. Check out her book, The Wedding Roller Coaster.

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This episode is brought to you by:

  • Photos from the Harty, Internationally acclaimed wedding photography

  • District Bliss, the support you need to skyrocket your business with ease

  • Sprout Creative, marketing for entrepreneurs

  • Mabely Q, accessibility education

  • Canva, unique and easy design

  • 17hats. Business just got easier. At The Wedding Dish, we use 17hats for scheduling guests, questionnaires, to develop our show notes, and for our all of guest management. It’s the CRM that makes it easy to run two businesses and two podcasts seamlessly.

  • Teachable, Create online courses and coaching services with Teachable. Transform your experience and know-how into a thriving knowledge business

  • Laughing with Gingers is a comedy podcast where two redheads with loud laughs share stories, play games, and spread silliness and joy. Hosted by Kristina Kury and Sara Alepin

  • Chill Paws, human-grade CBD for your furry pals (use CLOU15 for a discount)

  • BarkBox, A monthly themed box of toys, treats, and unleashed joy, thoughtfully designed to satisfy every dog’s unique playstyle

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