S5E5: Spice Up Your Wedding with a Custom Song that Tells Your Love Story | Wedding Pro

Personalized ways to celebrate and share your love story at your wedding are all the rage (and we see why!)

Faith Rumer writes custom songs about your love story

I have the wonderful opportunity to share the couple’s journey and love. 

Business Info

How long have you been in business? 

25 years 

What areas do you serve? 


Why did you decide to start your own business?

When I was 16 years old couples started paying me to sing at their weddings. It was such a fun and joyous experience that I still remember many of those events. I continued to be the featured vocalists at so many more weddings as I developed my career as a professional singer, songwriter and music producer. Since I was writing songs not only for myself but for other people I was producing, I thought how amazing it would be for people to have a customized song written just for them for their special event - Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, a Proposal, Graduations, Retirements, and Memorials. So I began this business because it's truly a labor of love. I love to write songs that touch and move people. Who doesn't like a beautiful love song? And it's so great to be able to add this unique gift of a song that lasts a lifetime, to a couple's wedding event, one of the most special days of our entire life. 

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business? 

Seeing the reaction of my clients when they hear their produced song for the first time and then of course seeing how amazing it is for them to share it at their event. The other really cool thing is when we have our initial song consultation and I have the wonderful opportunity to share the couple’s journey and love. 

Custome Songs

Why custom songs?

How this unique and super special idea can add something to the wedding that everyone will remember. Sometimes it’s hard to fully express the depth of your love for each other. 

Fortunately, the power of music can help you do just that. Imagine on your wedding day you personally have: Your one-of-a-kind love song that is a beautifully poetic, everlasting record of your love story told in your words.

I write and record a custom songs that combine the power and emotion of music with your special message or story. It will be recorded as a radio quality song, in a professional recording studio and delivered on a CD or MP3. I write that song just for each of my clients so that they can share it with the people they love, or even with the whole world. 

Do you have a favorite story to share? 

I wrote a song for a couple who had a pretty elaborate wedding planned and they were feeling pretty stressed out about getting all the details right for their big day. We had our initial song consultation where the couple had some time to reflect on their story of how they fell in love, and how they were looking forward to their life together. It was an amazing story of how they met a couple of years ago but one of them felt that the other one was too young for them. A year later, they met again at a costume party and didn't realize they had already met. They fell in love that night and the difference in their ages no longer mattered to them. After we got finished with our interview they said they were feeling so much better and weren't at all stressed about the wedding anymore

because they remembered that falling in love with each other had changed everything for them. Then I was able to sing the song for them at their wedding and they both cried tears of joy. I'm smiling right now just remembering it. It was magical. 

What challenges have you had to overcome? 

During the last year, people have had to put so many events on hold. 

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

The gift of song is something so special because it truly is eternal and unique. Begin by reaching out to friends and friends of people you know. Start creating these special songs for those people first. 

What's the craziest thing you've seen happen at a wedding or large event? 

One of my best friends had a very large and beautiful wedding cake that was situated by one side of the dance floor. Her sister had way too much to drink and ended up dancing right into the cake and knocking the whole thing over. 

Any funny stories to share?! 

I was singing at a very elaborate and expensive wedding reception. They had so many things scheduled in as entertainment that it was overwhelming. I looked over to the guitar player at one point and said to him..."all we need now is an Elvis Impersonator." Well... Two minutes later who should throw open the doors of the reception and make their entrance? Yes of course - an Elvis Impersonator. As it turned out it was the perfect wedding for them and everyone had a hoot!

Stay up to date with Faith Rumer! @faithrumer

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