Swining and Dining with Living with Pickles

We're hosting a bit of a "relaxed fit" episode this week. We're dishing with Maddie, the CEO of Living with Pickles, best known for their Instagram "Farmily" — but that's just a small piece of the magical things this mixed human-animal household does to make the world a happier place.


Want a pig to come to your wedding or crash your Zoom call? Pickles (yes, the pig's name is Pickles) will be right there! Looking for an AirBnB experience where you can eat farm-to-table with the sweetest farmily on the block? This is your spot! From a sassy chicken named Butters to a ball-obsessed Frenchie named Dill, this home truly has it all! You'll just have to listen to the podcast to get the full details — because it's waaaaay too much to write here. See you on the other side!


Living With Pickles

How long have you been in business?

3 years

What areas do you serve?

Our business is social media so technically we're worldwide

Why did you decide to start your own business?

It was never this intentional thing I had planned out--it just sort of happened. I spent two years building up a large following on Instagram (100K+) and then realized I could (and should!) start monetizing our channels.

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business?

The coolest part about starting this business is it's a profession that doesn't really exist! I totally have an oddball job that I created for myself. I've carved this weird, niche out for myself just based on my love of animals. And I think that's why I'm successful is because I'm doing something I truly love. That excitement and joy is contagious...people naturally gravitate towards it and want to follow us. None of what I do feels forced because....it isn't! I'm truly obsessed with giving my animals (and all our rescues) the best life possible. People love living vicariously through our account and our ever-growing "farmily."

What is a topic that you feel you could offer a unique perspective in — either to engaged couples or wedding professionals/entrepreneurs?

Haha how about living with your significant other and 10+ animals? How about sharing a bed with your partner, a pig, a rabbit, two dogs, a special-needs goat and a foster puppy....lol does that count as "unique"??

What insight would you like to offer about this topic?

Do what you love and the success with follow! You, of course, need to be thoughtful, strategic, and consistent but first figure out WHY you/your business/brand need to exist. Start with the why and the how will follow.


Do you have a favorite story to share?

My favorite story is when Good Morning America flew Stephen, Dill, Pickles and I out to New York to be on their morning show. Pickles had his own car service.

What challenges have you had to overcome?

Creating a balance between organic, unpolished posts (the stuff people want to see!) and more stylized, staged shots (the stuff brands want to see)!

What advice could you offer to someone starting a business like yours?

If you want to be a Youtuber or "influencer" of any kind (even though I dislike that word)....my best advice is to be authentic and never wait for opportunities to come your way. You have to be creative and actively pitch to other influencers or brands on fun ways to collaborate. The more specific you can be, the better. People and brands are lazy. They don't want to do the actual thinking behind things...they just want to do it. If you're a creative-type....use that to your advantage.

What's the craziest thing you've seen happen at a large event?

Vidcon. Pickles had a huge meet-and-greet.....and lets just say there were some bathroom issues. On HIS end, not mine!

Any funny stories to share?!

SO MANY. I live in a real-life animal house. I can talk about the time my brother babysat Pickles. I can talk about the crazy fame-hungry "dog surfing" community that I got banned from. Yes, it's a thing.


What is daily life like in your household?

Wake up around 7 AM to hungry pigs shouting at me to be fed. I spend about an hour doing animal-care chores and then I start "work" for the day. I usually dedicate one day to scripting/brainstorming, another day to filming, another day to brand outreach, and then another day to editing.

Are there any challenges or obstacles that you've had to overcome?

Yeah. With rescue.....you get to meet the best people in the world.....but you also experience the worst people too.


What does your future wedding look like?

Lots of animals! I want our wedding to be held inside an old rustic, barn that's filled with string lights and flowers and the people I love. I want my bridesmaids to walk down the aisle holding adoptable animals wearing flower crowns. Basic with a twist....lol.

Have anything specific to share about your future wedding?

I'm actually thinking about streaming part of it live. Or doing something special with our Instagram followers. I want to let them be involved somehow. Maybe it's that they can submit toasts for a video montage that's played at our wedding. Or maybe it's that 20 people can apply to win tickets to our wedding and we'll get a sponsor to fly them out here. I'm just super grateful for our loyal following and I want to celebrate with them because I wouldn't get to do what I do without them.


Instagram Handle: livingwithpickles

Facebook Handle: livingwithpickles

Youtube channel: Living With Pickles