Kylie + Omar

On this week's episode, we dish with a #CoronaWedding couple; after their destination wedding in the groom's hometown was cancelled in May 2020, this couple decided to head to the courthouse with their newly adopted senior (super cute!) puggle and elope. And, the photos are fantastic!


We’re so excited to be chatting with Kylie & Omar!!

How did you two meet?

On a cold January night in 2013, the only thing that convinced Kylie to follow through with plans to see a comedy show after work was Omar's headshot. She text her friends "dibs on the sexy Mexi" and swore that if he was "funny enough", she'd give him her very last Wienermobile business card. Lucky for us all, Omar was indeed funny enough. As soon as the show was done, Kylie made a bee line for the back of the club to introduce herself.

"Hey, you were pretty funny."


"Let's make 2013 a good year, call me."

*hands Omar her card and walks away* If that isn't a mic drop intro, then I don't know what else is. Omar called Kylie. And the rest is history.

What was the first thing you noticed about your partner?

Kylie: "His gorgeous eyes, smile, and high cheek bones."

Omar: "How forward she was."

Tell us about the proposal!

Omar was GOING to take Kylie to Santa Barbara for the day and propose to her (something she'd always wanted) but she sabotaged the day. Omar asked Kylie a few days in advance if she wanted to take a day trip to SB, but she couldn't because she signed up for a 3 hour meditation in Sierra Madre that day and "really needed it".

So, he surprised Kylie at home one evening when she returned from work. He had a bouquet of flowers waiting for her and made a scrapbook of their memories together over the years. The last page popped the question!

Wedding Date:

July 03, 2020

Wedding Location:

Santa Ana Courthouse

Approx. number of guests who attended your wedding:


What were your top 5 favorite moments from your wedding?

GETTING MARRIED! having our dog Mocha there! Getting a surprise picnic from our witness in front of the courthouse! Kylie loved getting ready! Our photographer gave us a "first dance" to T Swift's "Lover" during our photoshoot and Kylie cried like a baby

What, if anything, would you change about the wedding planning process?

UGH! Eliminate the feeling of overwhelm that comes with planning when you don't have the budget to pay for resources/hire people to help you with decision-making

What, if anything, would you change about your wedding day?

Nothing. Note - we will be having a church wedding + reception sometime in the future!

Did you participate in any family traditions, or incorporate any heirlooms into your wedding?

Not yet but we will be incorporating Mexican Catholic traditions into our Catholic ceremony (i.e. padrinos of the lasso, coins, rings)

What was the planning process like? Did you run into any obstacles? How did you overcome them?

So many obstacles that mainly were self inflicted by Kylie who had to confront her people pleasing tendencies head on when planning the original wedding.

What was the most important decision you made about your wedding?

To cancel the Tulum wedding and go to the courthouse.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? And, if there *is* a least fave thing, feel free to share that, but let's keep it light. ;) For example, Sara's husband would love it if she stopped burning everything she puts in the toaster oven, but he loves her anyway LOL)


Kylie: His selflessness

Omar: Her "razzle dazzle"


Kylie: Omar is a secret hoarder of free sunglasses. Like, he walks around town wearing VW branded sunglasses, even though he owns perfectly nice shades. Whyyyyy??

Omar: When she "mouses" snacks leaving just crumbs in the bag but decides to put the package back in the cupboard rather than throw it away.

What’s the best thing that’s happened in your lives since getting married?

We've only been married 2 weeks! So, registry gifts have been coming in slowly :)