S4 E14: Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall isn't a Marketing Plan | Evolve Your Wedding Business

Wedding professionals, I don't know who needs to hear this today, but...⁠

⚡Get your hands out of everyone else's wallet and don't price your services or products based on what other people are doing⁠

⚡Don't watch what everyone else seems to be doing and try to imitate them, just hoping it works for you⁠

⚡And, remember that your clientele has never planned a wedding before, so step back from the curse of knowledge and educate your clients⁠

These are just a few tidbits that came out of our conversation with Heidi Thompson, the woman behind @EvolveYourWeddingBusiness

We delve into marketing in the wedding industry and how different it is from most other entrepreneurial spaces. ⁠

If you're a wedding pro, this episode is for you.⁠

Your Business

How long have you been in business? 

12 years 

What areas do you serve? 

The entire world! 

Why did you decide to start your own business? 

I saw an opportunity to marry my marketing and business experience with the wedding industry and really help wedding pros make more money and book more weddings. 

What's the coolest thing about owning your own business? 

Getting to travel whenever and wherever I want.

Your Expertise

What is your favorite thing to share with your clients?

Creating a marketing plan that specifically targets your ideal client 

Who do you serve? 

Wedding Professionals 

What insight would you like to offer? 

In the podcast, I broke down my strategy for the listeners, so you’ll have to listen!

Your Daily Life

What is daily life like in your household? 

I don't get up until at least 10am because I'm a total night owl and I've structured my business around that.

Are there any challenges or obstacles that you've had to overcome? 

Having bipolar disorder while running a business has been a big one.

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